Why Chiropractic Care for Ear Infections
According to a New York Times article, “Too many doctors,
and parents, rely on antibiotics for ear infections, despite a
woeful lack of evidence for their benefits.”
Would it surprise you to discover that Acute Otitis Media
“is the most common childhood infection for which antibiotics are
prescribed in the United States?”
Why the discrepancy?
Let’s look a little more closely at the details that may
unravel a surprising truth. According to the Center for Disease
Control, CDC, three main types of ear infections exist and are
called Otitis Media. Acute otitis media, AOM, may often be caused
by bacteria and viruses, which is the first one.
If fluid is involved then it may be called Otitis Media
with Effusion, OME. This fluid may block the Eustachian tube. The
Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat
behind the nose. This is why you may experience a sore throat and
drainage when there is fluid with the middle ear. Here we have the
second case.
Swimmer’s Ear, as it’s more commonly referred to, is called
Otitis Externa. This third kind of ear infection can cause the ear
to itch, become red and uncomfortable. Simply touching, or slight
pressure, might be painful. A sign of the pressure is the redness,
as well.
Do you or your child experience the following symptoms?
- Sleep disturbance
- Fever
- Difficulty Balancing
- Problems in hearing
- Headaches
- Irritability
What’s the connection between these symptoms of AOM and your
cranial nerves?
Each person is uniquely designed with 12 pairs of cranial
nerves. The one we are concerned about, with the middle ear, is
the eighth cranial nerve called the Acoustic or Vestibulocochlear
nerve. As was discussed in other articles, the premise is the
same: When pressure is exerted on a nerve, then function may
A brief example outlining this is:
When a lightbulb wire is kinked, what happens? That’s
right, it flickers.
What happens to nerve function in your body when a nerve is
blocked by some means? Function has a tendency to diminish.
This blockage many times manifests as pressure.
An example you can do right now is squeezing your wrist.
Just do this for a few seconds. No noticeable change, right?
Right. Now squeeze your wrist for 5 minutes or
5 hours, or longer. That’s absurd, right. Right.
No one would do this. But, what do you think happens when
pressure is exerted on a nerve, either from fluid, as in Otitis
Media with Effusion, or from another cause?
Do you think this kind of pressure would hinder nerve
Do you know nerves go to every vital organ in your body?
These nerves need to flow freely to your organs.
This example, however rudimentary, is how pressure possibly
effects nerve and impedes the conduction of other vessels, again
to your organs.
Chiropractic patients who have Otitis Media have
experienced help from chiropractic care. The premise of
Chiropractic is simple: increase the body’s natural response to an
invading bacteria and/or virus. Whereas sometimes the body needs
antibiotics, other times it might just need to function unimpeded.
When the pressure is relieved, nerve flow runs freely, doing its
job the natural way.
Looking at it from another perspective, if your car doesn’t
have a tune-up, what is the natural progression? Problems tend to
be created and increase when basic care isn’t maintained.
Your body is the same way. When basic problems arise, your
body needs even more to function at its peak. Nervous system
alignment, when your nerves are running unimpeded, your vital
organs get what they need to keep you healthy and happy.
When the Acoustic nerve is impeded, in many cases basic
chiropractic care will help those symptoms and let you and your
Sleep Better
Relieve Headaches
Let you feel more at ease
Increase Health & Balance
If you are like many others who want to experience relief
from ear infections, call a skilled chiropractor who can provide
relief, the natural way, without drugs or surgery. Your body knows
how to heal itself, when the nerve flow runs freely.
Sleepless nights tend to cause irritability and even
A visit today may restore rest and relaxation so you and
your child can enjoy health and relief in the nights and the days
The first step to relief from ear infection pain is to schedule a free consultation in our office to discuss the specifics of your case. Click Here to Schedule Now.
Natural Healing Therapies
Address: 13710 Whittier Blvd. Suite 105 , Whittier, CA 90605 Tel: (562) 309-1916